I love to gather the kids around and watch their funny videos from 5 years ago! Having them on YouTube makes it really easy to watch on the TV.

So, I began the process of uploading everything to YouTube, and creating playlists by year (2016, 2017, etc). All my videos are named like 2016_02_snow_day.

I was getting pretty excited about having all our videos so accessible. But then I realized the videos were not playing in order. I discovered there’s no way to sort by the video title! The closest thing YouTube offers is to order by Date Added.

Unfortunately, when uploading hundreds of videos via the upload screen, the “date added” isn’t very predictable (even if you are careful about the order you drop the videos into the upload area). There is a “manual” ordering option, but that’s kinda useless when you’ve got so many videos.

To make YouTube work for me, I needed to be able to order by video title.

I didn’t find any existing way to do this, so I created a Chrome extension called Playlist Sorter. You can install the extension into Chrome by clicking here, and then the blue “Add to Chrome” button.